Friday, 21 November 2014

Unit 2 P7


Expected outcome
Actual outcome
Action required?
Software applications open and work as intended

Click start, and then all programmes continue to select ‘office’ then click one of the files within a folder for example; ‘word’. Type a few letters then save it.  
The document should be saved to your documents and you should be able to access it again if editing is necessary.
The document appeared where I saved it and I could access it.
No action required.
Default folder settings are correct

Click start and select documents, the folders that you have saved should appear and also default folders. The default folders include pictures and music.
The default folders should be visible and you should be able to access them.
When I clicked on ‘music’ the folder opened with music like I expected.
No action required.
Desktop shortcuts go to the right place

On the desktop left click the screen then select ‘create a shortcut’. Then chose a programme or file that you want to appear on the home screen, for example; word.
When you click on word on the desktop it should open and be accessible as normal.
When I clicked on the word shortcut it went straight into a blank word document.
No action required.
The correct device drivers are installed

Plug the printer in and install the software requested. Once this is done send the document to the printer and wait for it to be printed.
When you plug the printer in the computer system should recognise the printer. When you sent documents to the printer they should print normally.
The printer recognised the computer and the document printed as requested.
No action required.
The correct paper sizes are set for printing

Put an A4 sheet of paper in the printer and print a document making sure that you should select the paper size to A4, then the document will print
The document should print on an A4 sheet of paper and increase if the document size was A5.
The document printed exactly how I wanted it on A4 paper.
No action required.
Menu options work as intended

Click on start and you will be able to see the different software has been installed.
You should be able to see all software and files on your computer as well as the computer programmes.
I was able to see all the different options and when I clicked on a file it went straight to that file.
No action required.
correct date and time are set

The time and date is at the bottom right hand corner. Hover the mouse over it and it will tell you the day of the week. To ensure the time and date is set in the right place go to control panel.
The date and time should be correct and the same as it is shown on the control panel.
I was able to check the date and time when I wanted and they were correct.
No action required.

Unit 2 P8


Witness statement
Learner name
Emily Keir
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Using the computer system provided, carry out the following routine maintenance:
       Create a file structure under user as follows
A folder labelled with your name and within this folder create 3 folders labelled Home, Work and Study
       Configure the operating system to perform the following:
       back-up procedures
       automatic scheduling and deletion of unwanted data
       deleting temporary files
       Cleaning keyboard, mouse, display screen of the computer provided
       replacing consumables printer paper in the printer provided
·         replacing the damaged mouse

Assessment and grading criteria
Task 4. Undertake routine maintenance tasks on a standalone computer system. P8

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
Emily successfully created a folder and then changed the name by clicking ‘new folder’ on the document page. She then backed up her computer to iCloud by going onto iTunes and backing up the computer. She then deleted files and folders that she didn’t want by sending them to the recycle bin. Emily replaced the broken mouse by putting a new one into the USB port. Emily then replaced the paper in the printer by putting new paper in the printer drawer. She also cleaned the computer desktop screen, mouse and keyboard with computer cleaning spray and a cloth. Emily showed that she could defragment the computer system and set up the computer system to delete files automatically. She showed that she could archive documents by saving them to google drive.

Witness name
Jemma Mackay
Job role

Witness signature

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Unit 2 P6


Witness statement
Learner name
Emily Keir
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer system. s.
Set up and maintain a computer system

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Task 2 (P6)
Using the computer system provided:
Change the icon size to large
Change the font size to large
colour/background to red

Assessment and grading criteria
P6.configure a computer system to meet user needs

For P6, learners must configure some basic system settings, such as left and right mouse buttons, powersaving options, screen resolution, desktop theme, font size, default language setting, default folder locations etc.

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
Emily successfully changed the icon size to large. She also showed how to change the font size to large. Emily changed the desktop background.
She demonstrated this by left clicking the home screen and clicking personalise. She then clicked a new theme and applied it. This changed the background. She then went on to the documents to change the icon size. Emily clicked on the button in the right hand corner and proceeded to change the icon size to large. Emily changed the font size to large by left clicking on the home screen and clicking personalise and she went to adjust the settings and change the font size to 200%. Emily then logged off and logged back in to ensure that the font size was bigger.

Witness name
Jemma Mackay
Job role


Witness signature

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Unit 2 P5


Witness statement
Learner name
Emily Keir
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.
P5 set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components [SM3]

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
After making a successful start in your role as an IT trainer for the IT Support Department of RS Components, you have been have been asked to prepare training material of a more advanced and practical kind.
Before you are allowed to do this you are required to prove your abilities in hardware and software upgrades.

Date achieved
Connect a monitor to a computer
Connect a keyboard to a computer
Connect a mouse to a computer
Demonstrate where the graphics card is installed
Install MS Office 2003
Install MS security essentials
Create a user account
Configure system software, application software and documents

Assessment and grading criteria
P5 set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components [SM3]

For P5, learners must install at least one hardware and one software component in a stand-alone system.
This is best evidenced with a witness statement or observation record and screen shots. Learners must use suitable safety equipment/tools and pay due regard to health and safety issues.

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria,
including how and where the activity took place
Emily was able to connect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse successfully because when she turned the computer on it worked. She knew were the graphics card went and knows what It does. She correctly installed Microsoft office 2003 and all the security essentials to make sure that the computer was protected from viruses. Emily showed that she could create a user account as she accessed the control panel and selected ‘create a new user account’. She showed that she could configure the systems software, application software and documents too.

Witness name
 Jemma Mackay
Job role

Witness signature

Assessor name

Assessor signature
